
In this video, Riley shares his personal experience with water baptism and why he was confused about its significance and meaning. He grew up in several churches, and received baptism according to their traditions without understanding the purpose.

Topic: baptism jesus beliefs choices

As Riley visits an old work location, he shares how the Baptism in the Holy Spirit changed his life forever. However, it wasn't easy for him at first; he had to get out of his own way!

Topic: prayer baptism
If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord!
Topic: spiritual gifts prayer baptism salvation
Take God at His Word and act on it. He had provided the gift of the Holy Spirit to you. The following prayers will help encourage you in establishing your heavenly language.
Topic: spiritual growth baptism
Praying in the spirit is the sure way to know you are praying God's perfect will into every situation.
Topic: spiritual growth baptism
Your Baptism in the Holy Spirit is received by faith. Receiving the Holy Spirit is so important to the believer being equipped to fulfill his purpose and destiny in God.
Topic: baptism prayer spiritual growth strength salvation