by Gloria Copeland
Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my heart—receiving your healing by faith. Those words sound foreign to many people. Some have never heard that phrase before. Others assume that those of us who use it are just trying to get their money or are living in denial.
But I know differently. I know because I’ve lived by this principle for more than 45 years. Ken and I are doing everything in our power to teach others how to do it. We want people to know that regardless of your illness—mental or physical—regardless of your diagnosis, regardless of your family history, regardless of your lab results, you can receive your healing by faith. I’m going to teach you what it means and how to do it.
What Does it Mean to Receive Your Healing by Faith?
“You don’t owe anything. Your bill has already been paid.”
Sometimes Ken and I hear those words in a restaurant when we start to pay for our meal. Usually it’s because one of our Partners was there and decided to bless us. That’s such a nice feeling—it always touches our hearts.
When I think about what Jesus did for us when He gave His life on the cross, I’m reminded of those times and I realize God has said those same wonderful words to us: You don’t owe anything. Your bill has already been paid.
Without our asking Him to do it…while we were still living in sin and rebellion…Jesus paid the price for our forgiveness. With His own blood, He paid the debt we owed to God for every sinful thing we have ever done…or will ever do. He set us free from sin, sickness and pain. He paid the bill so we can be whole—spirit, soul and body.
Isaiah 53:4-5 says it this way:
Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole (The Amplified Bible).
The last phrase of that verse means a great deal to me. I love the fact that it says, “We are healed and made whole.” It doesn’t say that one day we will be healed and made whole. It doesn’t say that possibly, if it’s the will of the Lord, we might be healed and made whole. It says we already are!
If you have sickness in your body today, you might be tempted to argue with me about that. You might say, “Hey, I’m hurting right now. I’ve been to the doctor and he says I’m sick. I even have X-rays to prove it. How can you say I am healed?”
I’m not the one saying it. God is the One who said it in His Word—I’m just quoting Him. He’s given us the good news that the price for sickness (which entered the world through sin) has been paid! So if you’ve given your heart to Jesus, you don’t have to pay the price of sickness anymore. Your healing has already been provided. You can simply receive it by faith and go!
In Part 2 of this series, I’m going to teach you how to receive your healing by faith. You can be healed from heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, depression, bi-polar disorder, autoimmune disease, irritable bowel disorder, cancer or any other disease the enemy has put on you…in fact, by faith you already have been!