"If It's God's Will, I'll Be Healed"
by Gloria Copeland
If you are a born-again believer, then surely you don’t ever want to follow the empty traditions of man instead of the Word of God. The Word doesn’t just bring peace to your mind; it brings wholeness to your entire body. Proverbs 4:21-22 says the Word of God brings "life to those who find [it], and healing to [your] whole body.” Man’s traditions don’t lead to healing and wholeness, only the Word of God does. Today, let’s look at the fifth lie Christians believe about healing, so we can identify it and get it out of our minds.
Lie #5: If it’s God’s will, I’ll be healed.
There’s no question about it, God’s perfect will is for us to be healed. But God won’t make us get healed any more than He’ll make us do anything else. If we want God’s will to be done in our lives, we must cooperate with Him. We must believe His Word and act on it. We must also be on guard against our enemy. His name is Satan and He’s come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He and his little demons will rob us of everything that belongs to us, including our healing, if we let them.
But, thank God, we don’t have to let them! We have authority over them. Jesus said that in His Name we can cast out devils (Mark 16:17), so when Satan tries to put sickness on us, that’s what we should do. We should say, “Devil, you get your hands off my body right now, in the Name of Jesus. I rebuke you! Sickness is under the curse, and I’ve been redeemed from the curse. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus!”
The Bible says if you resist the devil he will flee from you (James 4:7). But if you don’t, he’ll bug you all the time. Even my grandchildren know that. One time some years ago, back when Courtney (John’s daughter) and Max (Kellie’s son) were preschoolers, they were sitting next to each other in the car. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Courtney exclaimed, “Shut up, Devil!”
“Why did you say that?” her mother asked. “What happened?”
“The devil just told me to break Max’s leg,” she answered.
Of course, we all laughed about it. But the truth is, Courtney got it right. She knew if she wanted God’s will to be done in her life she had to get rid of the devil.
The same is true for you.
Solidify in your mind that God wants you healed. Don’t believe this lie about healing. Don’t listen to the friends and family and preachers who would try to tell you that your pain and suffering is from anyone but Satan. When symptoms arise, rebuke him. When fear tries to come in, rebuke him. When thoughts come to your mind telling you that illness is from your heavenly father, Rebuke him. Stand up for yourself and for the complete work that Jesus did on the cross. Remember, your health, your quality of life and in fact, your very life, depend on it!
And keep reading as we expose the last of the series, Lies Christians Believe About Healing #6 next.