
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

‘Keep Declaring Jesus Is Lord!’

by James B. , Iowa

I believe you saved my life. I was pastoring in Orange, Texas, in 1999, when I started experiencing violent seizures. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. It turned out that I had an acute case of candidiasis attacking my nervous system—I had thrush all through my internal organs. When the doctors finally found out what was assaulting me they gave me one year to live. 
I waited every day for your broadcast. I was bound over double in tremors, sometimes so violent I couldn’t stand or write. Satan oppressed my mind, screaming suicidal thoughts, but I knew I could make it to the final moments of the broadcast, when you would proclaim, “Jesus is Lord.” I know some people think that’s just a slogan or a nice saying, but when you would declare it, my tremors would cease and the violent bending of my body would release. When I touched the TV as you pronounced those words, the attacks would stop. As I battled on, I began to speak it over myself: Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord. Lord, meaning, Owner, Possessor, Purchaser, Controller.
I underwent treatment, left my church and traveled through Argentina and the U.S. for about two years, ministering. When I proclaimed Jesus’ lordship, demons came out, tremors ceased, paralytics were healed, cancers were cured and disappeared! Praise the Lord—the more I ministered the more I walked in health. It was as if the healing that flowed through me ministered to me! Without a doubt, your declaration of Jesus’ lordship saved my life! I owe you and, of course, our Lord, my very life for speaking and declaring Christ’s lordship over me in those dark days of torment. Now my wife, Paula, and I pastor a church in Des Moines, Iowa, and I am the president of a Christian college that oversees Bible colleges and training centers in 25 nations and 28 states. 
Thirteen years have passed since I was told I would die, but I’m alive and well—ministering the Word today because Jesus is Lord. I love you, my brother. You’ve blessed me so much through the years. Keep declaring over the tormented and bound: Jesus is Lord. We praise God for you, and you are always in our prayers.