Q: Can I marry someone who isn’t a Christian?
Published on February 5, 2025

Second Corinthians 6:14 instructs us, “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?”
We cannot express strongly enough how important it is to marry someone with whom you can be in unity and agreement according to God’s Word. Marrying someone who has not made Jesus Lord and Savior will pose more challenges for you than you may be thinking of right now.
Think about it this way. If you stand on a chair and someone stands on the floor beside you, is it easier for you to pull that person onto the chair or for that person to pull you off the chair? It’s easier for the other person to pull you down off the chair. That’s how it is in marriage. Your Christian faith is far too important to risk in a relationship that will eventually pull you down. Consider the end result of those who sought after those who did not share a common faith.
- Solomon was turned in a wrong direction by his pagan wives.
- God warned the Israelites not to intermarry with people who did not serve the Lord, “for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods” (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). In the end, they disobeyed, and ended up serving other gods (Judges 3:5-6).
- Samson sought unbelieving women, which eventually ended in his demise (Judges 14-16).
In addition to the dangers of being led astray, an unbelieving spouse may not support your desire to tithe, the way you want to bring up your children, or your church attendance. They won’t be able to pray the powerful prayer of agreement with you, stand in faith and pray for you, encourage you in your walk, or challenge you to reach higher.
The bond that comes from sharing your faith in God with your spouse is the foundation on which to build a marriage. After all, marriage was created by God, and the couple who serves the Lord with all their heart, all their mind and all their soul together, will be blessed!