Question of the Day

When Kenneth and Gloria started their journey of faith they had questions too—lots of them! So, we've compiled the most frequently asked questions by people like you—people who earnestly desire to find God's answers to the practical, real-life challenges of everyday living. We have a new question every day, so check back often!

I’m facing a lot of challenges in my marriage. What should I do?
I’m facing a lot of challenges in my marriage. What should I do?
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No matter what you’re facing in your marriage right now, know this—God wants to heal your marriage. It’s His will for you and for your spouse. If you can have faith in Him, you can see a dramatic turnaround in your relationship.

In the beginning, God created a marriage. Not a government. Not a school. Not a committee. A marriage. This intimate relationship is the foundation on which God chose to build all other human relationships. But as with all the holy and precious things God creates, the enemy is quick to level crushing attacks against it, and your marriage is no different.

The most important thing you can do for your marriage is not to try and go it alone during tough times. Take the time to get support from godly friends, your pastor, a godly counselor or another ministry. Don’t be embarrassed! It is an admirable quality to want to fix the most important relationship in your life, aside from that which you have with God.

In the meantime, if you aren’t already, start putting the following into practice:

  • Remove the Word Divorce From Your Vocabulary. The power of life or death for your marriage is in your tongue. Don’t even joke about divorce. Don’t use it as a threat, and certainly don’t entertain divorce as “Plan B” or an escape route. When you speak words about the death of your marriage, you give the “divorce weed” a chance to take root in your marriage. Rip it from your vocabulary like you would a weed growing in your garden.
  • Remember That Marriage Is Not Meant To Complete You. Constantly expecting a marriage relationship to make you whole puts undue burdens and unrealistic expectations on you and your partner. Only God fully completes us and satisfies us. Do you expect your spouse to fulfill a role that only God can fill? If so, it’s time to adjust those expectations to line up with God’s Word.
  • Believe the Best About Your Spouse. Always assuming the worst about your spouse is a tiring way to live, and the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:7 that love “believes the best in all” (ISV). Your spouse, just like you, isn’t always going to be perfect, which is a fact that isn’t going to change this side of heaven.
  • Tackle Tough Conversations. Tough topics like purity, children, money, failures and weaknesses can’t be avoided. To be an adult is to have the courage and grace to tackle those tough conversations. If you and your spouse rarely circle back to these topics, or if you’ve never even had the conversations to begin with, then it will be much tougher to address them when problems do arise.
  • Pray for Your Spouse. Prayer accomplishes exponentially more than you can see or imagine. Prayer has the power to align your will with God’s, to change your attitude toward your spouse, and to defend against the enemy’s attacks.
  • Set Appropriate Boundaries. Whether it’s technology, money, time or friends, every couple has one or more areas that threaten to weaken the marriage. Own up to those areas, and place some life-giving boundaries in your marriage. Boundaries used in the right way don’t restrict life but open it up for more love and freedom.

We hope this has helped you. Know that we are standing in agreement with you for a long and strong marriage. If you’d like someone to stand in agreement with you in prayer, please call us at 1-817-852-6000.