The world today often looks at the Body of Christ with a raised brow—especially in the workplace. They’ve not seen honorable Christians. In fact, they’ve seen too much dishonor, but you can help change that. You can guard the way you live your life and your conversation. You can be a strong witness for Jesus in the workplace. Honor may be hard to find, but it is easily recognized.
- Be a Strong Witness by Honoring God
To be honorable requires a choice between God’s ways and the subtleties and deceptions of the world. It requires a choice between the Spirit and the flesh. It boils down to a choice between standing and falling. If you are honorable, you will stand. If you are dishonorable, you are guaranteed to fall.
- Be a Strong Witness by Meditating on God’s Word
As you get into His Word, and allow it to get on the inside of you, honor will well up in you so full you’ll have no desire to walk in anything else. Your spirit will experience conviction about the smallest of commitments. You’ll become so tuned to God’s Word and His Spirit that you will become a living witness in everything.
- Be a Strong Witness by Watching Your Words
As you meditate on God’s Word, you will watch your words. You will speak the truth and take your words seriously. You will never distort the truth or speak idle words. You will make commitments and keep them. You will be faithful and act with the utmost of integrity.
- Be a Strong Witness by Focusing on God
Seek God’s approval, not man’s. Jesus said in John 5:41-44, “Your approval means nothing to me,… For I have come to you in my Father’s name, and you have rejected me…. No wonder you can’t believe! For you gladly honor each other, but you don’t care about the honor that comes from the one who alone is God.” Understand that being a good witness for Jesus doesn’t mean that everyone will like you. You are representing Jesus to the lost. It’s quite possible that you will ruffle feathers along the way, but remember that you are ultimately seeking to honor God with your life, not get a pat on the back. So stand strong.
Make the choice today to stand strong for Jesus in the workplace and be a witness for Him in the midst of a lost world. Look for opportunities to share His goodness and stand honorably as one of His children. You may never know just how impactful your witness is.