
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'The Time Is at Hand!'
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on October 30, 2015
Branson Autumn Assembly of Prayer
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“Take no more thought. Do not allow your heart to be troubled. Yes. Judgment is here. This is a time of judgment,” saith The LORD. “But judgment comes in order to open the door to the outpouring of the glory. Judgment is a function of seedtime and harvest. For don’t be deceived. I will not be mocked,” saith The LORD. “For whatsoever any person or any nation sows, that shall it also reap. “But I’m the God of mercy. I’m the God of grace,” saith The LORD. “My mercy and judgment go hand in hand.

“For if it was not for My mercy, judgment wouldn’t come. If I wasn’t merciful, I would just let you go to hell and that would be the end of it. Ah, but let Me tell you. Oh, but rejoice. Ah! Lift up the glorious, glorious, glorious Name of Jesus! For I do have a people called by My Name who have humbled themselves, who have repented, who are crying out to Me. And I am hearing that cry and I am pouring out My Spirit like never before. And if you would like to see what it’s all about, read Exodus 34:10. It will be that way and none other,” saith The LORD, “and it will happen right here, right now.

“No. You’re kingdom of God people. Judgment is not falling on the kingdom of God people. Blessing is falling on the kingdom of God people. For you see, judgment is to wake a people up. Judgment is to wake a nation up before it can be destroyed. And times of judgment are hard. It’s hard on the flesh, but at the same time that people are suffering in times of judgment, I have to have a people,” saith The LORD, “who are blessed and strong and prosperous in order to snatch them out of the jaws of judgment and bring them into the glory,” saith The LORD, “and you are My people and it is working. And just relax, stop worrying, and stop allowing your heart to be troubled. These are days to rejoice. These are the times that I have planned,” saith The LORD. “And My WORD and My power has everything arranged and it’s good and it’s wonderful and it’s joyous. And as I’ve already said,” saith God, “stop worrying. Start believing. Start rejoicing. Relax and watch the show. For the time is at hand for the glory like never before among men.”