
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'Inquire of Me'
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on September 11, 2015
New York Living Victory Campaign
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“Don’t do things,” saith The LORD, “large things or small things, without inquiring of Me. For many, many things that look small to you are big in My eyes. And many things that look big to you are small in My eyes. So inquire of Me. Don’t just say, ‘I’m going to go.’ No. Inquire of Me. Inquire of Me about which route you should take in the morning. ‘But I’ve been going this way for 15 years.’ That doesn’t make any difference. Inquire of Me. Haven’t you learned anything from 9/11? Inquire of Me. I have plans. My plan is a blessing plan. My plan is big. My plan is wonderful. There are others who have plans for your future and plans for your security. This group says, ‘Come join us.’ This group says, ‘No, come join us. Oh, we have a plan. Oh, we have a plan.’

“Ah! But they’re all Babylonian, and they don’t know what they’re planning one way or the other. But My plans I have for you,” saith The LORD, “My plans are big, and they are good, and they are rich, and they are full of good health and full of debt-free lifestyle.” Hallelujah.

“Rejoice in Me and I will show you how to be fear free. Rejoice and know full well that all that I have is prosperous. All that I have is wonderful. All that I have for you is love, and magnified love, and more love and more love; more than you can see any way to use. More than you can imagine. For My love is rich unto all who call upon Me. My Name is rich unto all who call upon Me. And remember, I have given you all things richly to enjoy,” saith The LORD.