
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'We Look Up!'
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on July 6, 2012
Southwest Believers’ Convention
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“You are as, My people and partakers of My grace and partakers of My life,” saith The LORD Jesus, “you are, as My people, deeply involved—a heavy, strong part of something that is far greater than your imaginations right now can conceive. And little by little I’m pulling back the veil and allowing you to see more and more and more and more and more, and you really don’t understand how rapidly you are taking hold. You are to be commended for it,” saith The LORD Jesus, “because you have put yourself in a place for My Spirit to use you and the anchor and the power and the spiritual weapons that heaven has invested in the entire Body of Christ. And you are walking in a place and made yourself available to Me,” saith The LORD.

“And I can tell you right now, you are going to be glad, you are going to be thrilled and you are going to be blessed beyond all measure that you know about right now. Amen. Amen. This is a time like no other generation has ever seen. This is a time that the devil has never seen the likes of it. He is running to and fro, chasing around, and he gets out of one trap into another one. And I have set a range of ambushments for him. I have traps set up for him. And if you will listen to Me, and walk with Me, and stay in faith and stay in love and stay in the spirit, and listen to Me and obey what I tell you to do,” saith The LORD, “I will manifest Myself to you and he’ll fall into the trap, one trap again and again, and not able to hinder you nor touch one hair on your head.

“These are the times that the Church has been looking for for 2,000 years. Oh yes. It’s dangerous. Oh yes. Ha! But if you did not have what it takes in the spirit to be victorious in the most dangerous, in the wildest supposedly dangerous days in the history of the human race, if you didn’t have what it takes to be victorious in this time, I would have had you born some other time. But you’re My champions. You’re My end time. You’re My soldiers in the army of The LORD. We are a victorious group. We are going on to victory and we will not look back. We look up!”