
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'We Are in This Together'
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on June 30, 2008
2008 West Coast Believers’ Convention
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(Tongues) “Oh, I long for the time,” saith The LORD, “I long for My children to know and to understand the Eden that I’ve developed for their lives. And so many, for so long, have done without when there was no need to; have gone sick and hungry when there was no reason for it; have done without and had the devil steal and rob them, and take away from them, and steal their children, steal their livelihoods.

“And all the time had they only known I was there to bless and carry out in their lives, and they cry out to Me and say, ‘Well, LORD, why didn’t You do it?’ I had to return and say, ‘I did; you’re not receiving it. You’re not taking it, you’re not coming up to the faith that it takes to know that I died for you. That I was raised from the dead for you, that I, since that hour, since the day I went into My ministry on the earth,’” saith The LORD. “I have never ever yet done anything for Myself and Myself alone. I gave Myself for you. I am giving Myself for you, and I will forever give Myself for you. We are in this together. I am your LORD, I am your Savior, I am your blessing. I have provided it. Now, would you open your heart and allow Me to move in with the abundance and the Eden that I have planned for your life?” Oh Glory be to God!