
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'Come On Up Here'!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on April 14, 2018
Eagle Mountain International Church, Fort Worth, Texas
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“It’s been very difficult,” saith The LORD, “to get My people to come and get what I have provided for you. I’ve provided more than you can see any way to use. I’ve provided beyond your ability to ask or think. Come on up here with Me. Come on up here and think with Me. Look down on the earth. Don’t be one on the earth looking up to heaven. No, I raised you up to sit with Me. I raised you up. You’re seated there now if you would just change your attitude and change elevations.

I told the devil to crawl on his belly. I told you to come up here. So come up hither. Come up hither,” saith The LORD. “Come up to the throne of God. Come up and sit with Me on the throne of grace and look at all I have provided for you. I have made you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. If you would just understand and realize that I am The LORD who healeth thee. I am The LORD who gives you the power to get wealth. Now receive that power. I blessed you with the blessing of Abraham. I blessed you with the future that’s glorious and beyond compare. So rejoice. Rejoice! I say again, rejoice, because all is well in the household of faith.”