
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'You Have no Idea!'
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on January 18, 2018
Ministers' Conference, Fort Worth, TX
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“You have no concept and you have no idea,” saith The LORD, “what that sounds like to Me.  For you see, this is not just in this room that I’m hearing this. I have millions upon millions upon multiplied millions—hundreds of millions, two hundreds of millions, many, many millions. Oh yes, I even have a billion people on the earth praying in tongues all the time. You have no idea what that sounds like in heaven. You don’t have any concept of what it does to Me. It thrills Me. It lifts Me. It encourages Me,” saith Jesus. “For you see, I’m still a man. I am still a man.”