
Get inspired by real-life success stories, and see how "The WORD works when you put it to work!" —Kenneth Copeland

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

by K.G., Missouri

I was sexually abused by a relative from the time I was 4, then again by the first boy I dated. My life has been riddled with fear and shame. Today is the first time I’ve ever spoken of it. 
I was listening to a teaching by Brother Copeland when he said, “Get the fear out and you will receive your healing.”
Today, I believed if I’d confess the fear I would be free. My sister gave me the CD Be Loved. As Brother Copeland sang “Jesus Loves Me,” I was filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues. This song is so significant for me—when I was 4 years old, scared and hurting, I would sing this song. I am so thankful for KCM and I have new hope to walk in faith, free from fear.