
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

A Miraculous Outpouring!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on August 18, 2017
Colombia Victory Campaign
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“The days of My glory are here. Peace and joy like a river flowing from the throne of God on high. Flowing from heaven through your heart into the earth, blessing all those who are around you. Listen for My voice,” saith The LORD. “I am speaking more loudly than I ever have. I am making Myself heard very plainly. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. I am The LORD that healeth thee and deliver you from your destructions. Not only for Colombia, not only for Central America, but everywhere the Latino languages are spoken, from Spain to Mexico, from Portugal to Brazil. The time has come and now is for a miraculous outpouring like has never been seen by the Latino people. Rejoice, and again I say, rejoice! I am here,” saith the Spirit of grace. “I am present in this room,” saith The LORD Jesus. “I am your Great Physician. I am here to heal you. I am here to save you. I am here to deliver you. I deliver you this moment! I deliver you this very moment from every bondage. I break the power of fear. I break the power of drugs. I break the power of cancer! It is time to be free,” saith The LORD Jesus. “I am The LORD that healeth thee! Receive it and be glad.”