
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

'To Whom Much Is Given!'
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on June 29, 2018
Eagle Mountain International Church, Fort Worth, TX
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“To whom much is given much is required. That is not a burdensome statement,” saith The LORD. “For to whom much is given much is required, but the more you give from what is required, the more you receive. And this has to do with revelation. This has to do with things that come from heaven. This has to do with anointings. This has to do with ministries. This has to do with outreach. This has to do with the kingdom of God,” saith The LORD.

“Many of you have heard things this week that you’ve heard over and over, but today they have come alive. Many of you were hearing things you never heard in your life. It’s going to be this way throughout eternity. I promise you,” saith The LORD, “I will never run out. I will always have a new revelation for you. And it will be like the angels that circle My throne. They go around that throne and around that throne, and they say, ‘Holy! Holy! Holy!’ And they have spent eternity doing that. My, my, Jesus!

“Wouldn’t that get boring?’ Not when you see something different every day.”