
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

The Kingdom Is at Hand!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on June 17, 2011
2011 Annual Word of Faith Convention, Southfield, MI
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“I have been in the process of this for many, many years,” saith The LORD and the Spirit of grace. “But the time is at hand. I am looking to and fro across the earth for those to whom I may show Myself strong and transfer My property and My influence in the earth out of the hands of the powers of darkness and into the hands of My people. Are you prepared? What would you do if I put you in charge? Would you follow the plan that the world has already had that’s full of confusion and doubt and unbelief, or would you dare rise up and say, ‘Thus saith The LORD, and I’ll be and do no other thing?’ I’ll have a people. These are times that the Kingdom has been preparing for 6,000 years. Oh, it’s time. It’s time. And the future is bright.

“On the other side of all of this turmoil. No, not in the sweet by and by but right in the face of the forces of darkness, I have a people who are rising up with THE BLESSING of The LORD that maketh rich, with THE BLESSING of The LORD that brings healing and deliverance and power into this earth. A people who will walk and talk like Jesus; a people who call themselves sons and daughters of the Most High God. I have a people. And these are the days of the manifestations of the sons of God of whom and for whom the whole creation has groaned in travail for a manifestation; for in them is THE BLESSING of Abraham and in that BLESSING is the power to replenish the earth, to be fruitful, to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. Dominion like in the days of old and in the days of darkness? No. But dominion in the love and the care of the Creator himself; bringing the word of faith, love and hope to a suffering, hurting and dying generation.

“You’re My people. Seek My face and listen. I have a plan. I have a purpose. I am pursuing the very best for you. And just in a short time you will find yourself in the marriage supper of the Lamb. So give praise and honor, and give thanksgiving. Cheer up and rejoice, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”