
Prophesy means "to speak the truth" or "to proclaim".

‘I Declare You Debt Free!’
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on April 22, 2018
Eagle Mountain International Church
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“The miracle of the loaves and fishes just began, the moment,” saith The LORD, “that you reached out to Me to be your debt freedom. I’ve always been your debt freedom. I never have been any other thing else in the financial realm. I am,” saith Jesus, “your freedom from owing man anything but to love him. Don’t look at your present income. Don’t look at your present employer. Don’t look and say, ‘How can I get out beyond this?’ No,” saith Jesus, “you keep looking at Me. I’m your way out! I’m your way up. I’m your way through. I am before you. I am behind you. I am all around you. And if you will let Me, I’ll lift you up out of that arena of debt so fast you’ll wonder what happened to it all. For these are the days of My freedom,” saith The LORD. “These are the days of debt freedom. I know what I’m doing,” saith The LORD Jesus. 


“Oh, I’ve got things you’ve never heard of. I can do things you’ve only dreamed of if you will allow Me. The first step is obedience to My WORD. The next step is freedom from fear. You’ll never have to be afraid of not having enough when you take Me as your Financier. I have more than enough. I am more than enough. I appreciate you. I enjoy your sowing into what I’m doing. Oh, I have ways and means. I have a million ways that I could prosper you. You probably can’t think of over three. But I have a million ways. I have ways that you never heard of. If you will allow Me, I’ll share them with you. I’ll lead you and I’ll guide you and I’ll show you witty inventions. I’ll take you to places you’ve never dreamed, and it’ll be in your dreams. I’ll cause you to dream dreams and show you businesses, and I’ll show you where the needs are, and I’ll direct you there. And I’ll finance you on the way. 


“But I can’t do My full job with debt hanging over your head. With someone else as the lord of your finances. Debt is very, very dangerous, particularly if you don’t know to whom you are indebted. You think you’re indebted to the bank. Do you know the banker? Do you know the demons in his life? Do you know what that bank supports? If you owe that bank, you’re supporting it. For these things in the spirit are extremely dangerous. Very, very dangerous. You have people in your life, demons, devils, that you have no idea how they got in there. It’s because instead of coming to Me, you bowed your knee to a stranger. 


“Debt is horrible and it’s dangerous,” saith The LORD. “And you’re moving now in the proper direction. For you see, even if you’re still in debt, you have seen the truth. I’m protecting you now. The moment you decide to believe Me, and step out of the debt problem and the debt cage, I immediately take your part, and I’ll protect you from every devil. I’ll protect you from everything the devil is holding against you. For today, this day, April 2018, I declare,” saith The LORD, “every person who has made the decision to be debt free, I declare you debt free today,” saith God.